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Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer

von lcn_iberica
Fr 2. Dez 2011, 10:38
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: access control with domiq
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 1786

RE: access control with domiq

It would be great that DOMIQ can just recieve transponder code and manage it directly, to have a more powerful access control than the one in LCN modules (just 16 codes, no access rights, etc.).

Maybe an Access Control tab can be implemented in the next version of Base firmware?? :P
von lcn_iberica
Di 4. Okt 2011, 09:42
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: DOMIQ RS-232 integration with D-S2G-1 module
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 1942

RE: DOMIQ RS-232 integration with D-S2G-1 module

So then, integration is done via the "LOGIC" tab and LUA scripting, isn't it? Can you tell us about some small guide/tutorial of LUA? Or will there be a small tutorial on DOMIQ website with the main concepts to do scripts for DOMIQ with LUA? That would be great. :thumbup: Thanks. :rolleyes:
von lcn_iberica
Mo 3. Okt 2011, 09:54
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: DOMIQ RS-232 integration with D-S2G-1 module
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 1942

DOMIQ RS-232 integration with D-S2G-1 module

Hi everybody,

Is there any manual/tutorial of how to integrate LCN with other subsystems via RS-232 using DOMIQ's D-S2G-1 module? Which tab in admin/config tool shall be used? Does it have to be done via LUA scripting? :confused:

Danke schön. :)
von lcn_iberica
Mo 3. Okt 2011, 09:47
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: New look of Events and Timers
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 2700

RE: New look of Events and Timers

Vielen danke Uwe. :) Our DOMIQ has internet connection and we always updated it directly checking new updates from "Updates" window. Anyway, I already updated the Base using the key-code method. :thumbup: What I do not see in the "Updates" window neither on DOMIQ website is the u...
von lcn_iberica
Fr 30. Sep 2011, 10:09
Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
Thema: New look of Events and Timers
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 2700

RE: New look of Events and Timers

Hi Filip,

I am trying to update from DOMIQ Base Configuration tab but no update appears on the versions update window.


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