Drag-and-Drop geht doch - Element mit der Maus markieren, Shift-Taste drücken, zum Ziel ziehen, ein kleines Plus erscheint, loslassen. Voila.
Grössere Sachen ändere ich allerdings auch direkt mit einem Editor.
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Die Suche ergab 16 Treffer
- Mi 2. Jan 2013, 20:43
- Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
- Thema: Timer über IPad oder IPhone steuern
- Antworten: 24
- Zugriffe: 9298
- Di 1. Jan 2013, 17:02
- Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
- Thema: Lua Programmierung / Feinheiten und Verständnis
- Antworten: 5
- Zugriffe: 2846
RE: Lua Programmierung / Feinheiten und Verständnis
soll1_text = use 'VAR.soll1_text' soll1_text:set 'n/a' und set ('VAR.soll1_text','n/a') machen letztendlich dasselbe - setzen im Domiq-Modul die Variable VAR.soll1_text auf den Wert 'n/a'. Zum zweiten Teil - soll1_text = use 'VAR.soll1_text' <--- ist in Ordnung, erzeugt das soll1_text Objekt mit de...
- Di 1. Jan 2013, 16:29
- Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
- Thema: Lua Programmierung / Feinheiten und Verständnis
- Antworten: 5
- Zugriffe: 2846
RE: Lua Programmierung / Feinheiten und Verständnis
Hallo Florian, mit testwert = use 'LCN.output.0.120.1' erzeugst Du ein Table-Objekt in LUA. Dieses Objekt hat die Methode :set, die Du dann aufrufen kannst. function dump(o) if type(o) == 'table' then local s = '{ ' for k,v in pairs(o) do if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end s =...
- Mi 23. Mai 2012, 20:16
- Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
- Thema: DOMIQ: Leader of New Technologies 2012
- Antworten: 4
- Zugriffe: 1969
RE: DOMIQ: Leader of New Technologies 2012
I agree - that deserves a big applause, and is certainly a big recognition of your excellent work. Keep up with it!
- So 5. Feb 2012, 11:50
- Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
- Thema: Base & SONOS
- Antworten: 65
- Zugriffe: 27445
RE: Base & SONOS
Re playlist browsing -
I agree. Why would you need it? In case I do playlist browsing I would almost always switch to the native SONOS app (to see covers etc).
So, the use cases you have now are fine imho. Less is more in this case, I believe. You can always expand later
Best regards,
I agree. Why would you need it? In case I do playlist browsing I would almost always switch to the native SONOS app (to see covers etc).
So, the use cases you have now are fine imho. Less is more in this case, I believe. You can always expand later
Best regards,
- Sa 4. Feb 2012, 11:32
- Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
- Thema: Base & SONOS
- Antworten: 65
- Zugriffe: 27445
RE: Base & SONOS
Hi Filip, sorry for the late reply, but I was busy with some other project... Yes, SONOS integration would be most valuable. I started to do something with http.get and a proxy to the upnp SONOS api, but real upnp integration is certainly great. Mostly needed is imho - simple start / stop of the cur...
- Fr 9. Dez 2011, 15:24
- Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
- Thema: http.request
- Antworten: 25
- Zugriffe: 9772
RE: http.request
Hi Filip, can I please ask a followup-question? In the Nuvo how-to I saw also the C.TCP.send samples. Very exiting. What kind of communication protocols do we have now available in the base? sockets with C.TCP.send, and HTTP with C.HTTP.get? Is it also possible to "retrieve" values, such a...
- Sa 3. Dez 2011, 06:42
- Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
- Thema: Configurator - built in or as downloadable application?
- Antworten: 6
- Zugriffe: 2509
RE: Configurator - built in or as downloadable application?
Good morning Filip, I also think it is a must to have the config both written as well as readable back from the base. Regarding your other points - I think most of your tabs (Events, Timer, etc) are fine now. However I do a lot of work in Logic, hence a more comfortable editor would be very welcome....
- Di 1. Nov 2011, 21:11
- Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
- Thema: Regulator and channels
- Antworten: 4
- Zugriffe: 2660
RE: Regulator and channels
Great Filip, thanks a lot. I am currently away (Hotel where the VPN is not working) but will try later this week. Also thanks very much for explaining, it really becomes clearer how the base works. You know that you are "super class" with your customer support, very rare to see something l...
- So 30. Okt 2011, 20:43
- Forum: Domiq-Module - DOMIQ Sp. z o.o.
- Thema: Regulator and channels
- Antworten: 4
- Zugriffe: 2660
RE: Regulator and channels
Thanks a lot,
that works nicely. The only "issue" (well, not really) is that in the Domiq iPhone Application GUI I get in the display "---.-" after a few secs, but the graph paints fine.
Have a nice remaining weekend,
Best regards,
that works nicely. The only "issue" (well, not really) is that in the Domiq iPhone Application GUI I get in the display "---.-" after a few secs, but the graph paints fine.
Have a nice remaining weekend,
Best regards,