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how to do with buying stage light from onlne?

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#1 how to do with buying stage light from onlne?

Beitragvon ca1016bom » Do 16. Okt 2014, 13:18

Can you help me decide among these three LED Waterproof Par Lights please?
First, I'm buying from China.

Second, my budget is 50€ max, so if you have a different recommendation please tell me.

Now, this is what I have narrowed my search:

Outdoor waterproof led par can stage lighting, (32€, free shipping).
waterproof outdoor led par can 54pcs 3W LED RGBW, (47€, 27+20 shipping).
36pcs 1W outdoor led par light IP65 waterproof, (61€, 55+6 shipping, i could not find this one cheaper). :thumbup: :)


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#2 RE: how to do with buying stage light from onlne?

Beitragvon Nils » Do 16. Okt 2014, 13:40

for which installation system do you ask for?

If you have real question for your own installed system you are at the right block here and you are welcome. Please give more informations about your installation and the task.
If you ask to do a commercial here, please send me your offer directly and I think about a price for your commercial. ;)
Beste Grüße
Nils (Gresbrand)

Der Bus-Profi ist Partner für LCN, KNX, Comexio und SONOS-Installer sowie Distributor für Domiq

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#3 RE: how to do with buying stage light from onlne?

Beitragvon ca1016bom » Mo 20. Okt 2014, 03:01

Hey guys

I find this from this site:
http://www.stagelasers.com/newest-brigh ... 9-channels
or http://www.stagelasers.com/new-items-fo ... be-effects
I hope you have time and inclination to check the specs if it is decent and say what you think about it. I'd like to use them for many years. It looks very good and Anybody can give me some advices, many thanks.


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#4 RE: how to do with buying stage light from onlne?

Beitragvon Ram-Brand » Do 23. Okt 2014, 22:27

SPAM! :thumbdown:
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