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#1 Information about LCN

Verfasst: Mo 14. Jan 2008, 22:50
von Prezes
I"m student of Poznan uniwersity od Technik. I"m writing an ingener degree work about the system. Can you help me with finding materials in english, polish about standards of LCN. How the informations are transmited in LCN and the things around that standars to EiB. If you have any material I would be very happy to read them. My mail is
Thx for reading this.
Marcin KamiƄski

#2 RE: Information about LCN

Verfasst: Mo 14. Jan 2008, 23:15
von Philipp

welcome on our board :-O

Are there no informations on on polnish?

For some informations on english you should juse the page.
There are informations about the system.

If you have some detailed question just ask them here.

Good luck with your degree work.

Regards Philipp

#3 RE: Information about LCN

Verfasst: Di 15. Jan 2008, 06:50
von BerndR
Hi Marcin (is this your name?),

I would contact the company (Issendorff) directly. They surely will provide you with the needed documentation in English or Polish.


#4 RE: Information about LCN

Verfasst: Mi 16. Jan 2008, 12:49
von Prezes
At the begining thank you for ansering me.
I have contacted the polish LCN. They have an biuro near me and they will show me how the system work in real envaiorment.
If I will have some problems I will post the forum again. And I have to tell you that it is only forum that I have found about LCN in use. Maiby you know other forum"s in other languages about LCN?


#5 RE: Information about LCN

Verfasst: Mi 16. Jan 2008, 13:12
von Philipp
Hi Marcin,

I don"t know any other LCN-Forums. May be in some Forums about Electricity our houseautomation you can find single Topics about LCN.

The possibility to see LCN "Live" is the best way to get a better understanding of the way LCN works.

