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New look of Events and Timers

Hard- und Softwarefragen rund Domiq-Module fürs LCN-System

Fleißiges Mitglied
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Registriert: Sa 25. Apr 2009, 11:16

#1 New look of Events and Timers

Beitragvon DOMIQ » Mi 28. Sep 2011, 17:54

Hello, we just released version 1.7.1 of system and web components.
There is few bugfixes and significant change to look & feel of the Events and Timers tabs.

Now it is possible to reorder them, create folders and enter comments.
Anybody who created few tens of rules should feel the difference.

Comments welcome.

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#2 RE: New look of Events and Timers

Beitragvon twinkelm » Mi 28. Sep 2011, 23:25

Hi Filip,

I just updated, and after cleaning the browser-cache the updated GUI was also there. It is certainly nicer, not only the option to add folders, but from my point of view also the wider entry fields for the details and actions are a very welcome addition.

And you know something which would also be a good idea? ;-)

Dynamically enabling / disabling user interface elements in the iPhone app. Something like : only enable this on/off - button, when certain condition is set. If condition is not met, UI element is greyed out.

What do you think?

Best regards,

Fleißiges Mitglied
Fleißiges Mitglied
Beiträge: 252
Registriert: Sa 25. Apr 2009, 11:16

#3 RE: New look of Events and Timers

Beitragvon DOMIQ » Do 29. Sep 2011, 22:54

Hello Thomas, thanks for comment.

And it should be the last time you need to clear cache, we fixed that too...
As for hiding/disabling controls we are thinking about it.

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#4 RE: New look of Events and Timers

Beitragvon lcn_iberica » Fr 30. Sep 2011, 10:09

Hi Filip,

I am trying to update from DOMIQ Base Configuration tab but no update appears on the versions update window.



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#5 RE: New look of Events and Timers

Beitragvon Uwe » So 2. Okt 2011, 13:49


see manual:
[zitat]In case when DOMIQ/Base has no access to the Internet there is a possibility of manually
downloading the latest software for DOMIQ/Base module from page http:/
/www.domiq.pl/updates from a computer that has access to the Internet. Once these
software updates are downloaded they can be uploaded to the DOMIQ/Base using the
Updates dialog box. In order to upload the update the Update authorization string text
field should be filled out with the value corresponding to the update file. This string is
available on the updates web page, each update file has a separate string. Once the valid
update authorization string is entered the the Upload… button should be pressed and
when prompted the upload file should be selected.
The software update process can take up to several minutes. During this time the DOMIQ/
Base module is not available. Once the software update process is complete the module
reboots and it is ready to use withe the updated software.[/zitat]

I do so ... it work's :D

muchos saludos

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#6 RE: New look of Events and Timers

Beitragvon lcn_iberica » Mo 3. Okt 2011, 09:47

Vielen danke Uwe. :)

Our DOMIQ has internet connection and we always updated it directly checking new updates from "Updates" window. Anyway, I already updated the Base using the key-code method. :thumbup:

What I do not see in the "Updates" window neither on DOMIQ website is the update for our D-S2G-1 RS232 module. Do you know how can we update it? :confused:

Grüßen. ;)


Beiträge: 14250
Registriert: So 26. Mai 2002, 23:10
Hat sich bedankt: 13 Mal
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#7 RE: New look of Events and Timers

Beitragvon Uwe » Mo 3. Okt 2011, 14:28

my Base (included in PKO) ist @home also connected to the internet - i don't know why it does't works ... :blush:

I do'nt have RS232 module, it has just arrived in Burgwedel. Next week I'll know more about it ... ;)

Grüße, Uwe

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