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Base & SONOS

Hard- und Softwarefragen rund Domiq-Module fürs LCN-System

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#1 Base & SONOS

Beitragvon DOMIQ » Fr 27. Jan 2012, 16:48

Is anybody using SONOS devices? We are now working on integration between those and the Base.

It was done some time ago as "UPnP" tab, but nobody used it. Now we want to make sure it's easy to use and let you do things you want. If you had such function right now, what would you like to use it for? Which functions would be the most useful?

Beiträge: 215
Registriert: Sa 2. Jan 2010, 19:35

#2 RE: Base & SONOS

Beitragvon Franky » Fr 27. Jan 2012, 19:05

Not so far, but sounds good.

At the moment I use Apple Airport controlled via ITunes on IPhone.

What features would you implement?

I beleive, I have no UPNP devices, but its interesting.


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#3 RE: Base & SONOS

Beitragvon Thomas » Fr 27. Jan 2012, 20:08

Hallo ,

es gibt dchon einige Sonos Nutzer mit LCN.
Da haben wir schon mal mit der LinHk probiert, da geht was....
Die ich kenne, haben aber kein Base.

gruss thomas - Domiq und Sonos, :thumbup:
lg Thomas

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Registriert: Sa 2. Jan 2010, 19:35

#4 RE: Base & SONOS

Beitragvon Franky » Fr 27. Jan 2012, 23:09

Was kann man da steuern? (zusätzlich zur Sonos - App)


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#5 RE: Base & SONOS

Beitragvon Thomas » Sa 28. Jan 2012, 01:00

Über Tastentabellen am LCN, per Macro der LinHk.
z.B. einschalten per BMI

gruss thomas
lg Thomas


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#6 RE: Base & SONOS

Beitragvon Uwe » Sa 28. Jan 2012, 02:18

Und was steht im Makro der LinHK? Ein HTML-Kommando. Das sollte das Base auch direkt können.

Falls Chris mitliest ...
Ich hätte da noch eine Idee ;) Ich nenne das mal "Windelrabatt" ...
Langfristig sehe ich auch in unseren neuen Büroräumen Bedarf für ein Radio - warum dann eigentlich nicht 'Rock The Office' :)

Grüße, Uwe - der auch rechnet: Base+Sonos=:thumbup:

Beiträge: 215
Registriert: Sa 2. Jan 2010, 19:35

#7 RE: Base & SONOS

Beitragvon Franky » Sa 28. Jan 2012, 10:01

Hi Uwe,

habt Ihr da Bürozeiten? Ich glaub, ich komm Euch mal in Burgwedel besuchen... B)


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#8 RE: Base & SONOS

Beitragvon Uwe » Sa 28. Jan 2012, 13:55

Moin Frank,
wir sind derzeit mit der Einrichtung der Räume beschäftigt. Wenn das denn fertig ist, werden wir natürlich Bürozeiten haben (die wir sicherlich auch flexibel abstimmen können).
Auf unserem derzeitigen Terminplan wäre das dann ab 1.3. verfügbar - der TK-Anschluß dort kommt leider nicht früher (und ohne geht mal gar nichts für uns).

Grüße, Uwe

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#9 RE: Base & SONOS

Beitragvon twinkelm » Sa 4. Feb 2012, 11:32

Hi Filip,

sorry for the late reply, but I was busy with some other project...

Yes, SONOS integration would be most valuable. I started to do something with http.get and a proxy to the upnp SONOS api, but real upnp integration is certainly great. Mostly needed is imho
- simple start / stop of the currently playing track
- simple vol up / vol down / mute

This will allow most basic integration into wall switches / BMI / events.

Reading back values from the SONOS system (such as currently playing artist and track) is only 2nd prio, in my opinion. Also nice would be a simple start of a predefined track (in order to realize a radio clock kind-of-thing controlled from LCN :-)

I would be more than happy to beta-test this.

Have a nice weekend!

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Registriert: Sa 25. Apr 2009, 11:16

#10 RE: Base & SONOS

Beitragvon DOMIQ » So 5. Feb 2012, 10:55

Basic controls for volume etc will work for sure. Base will also register to listen for notifications, so it will know instantly about any changes to setup or current music.

Now, the hard part is playlist browsing, and truly speaking I'm not sure it's needed.

Some use case we would like to support:

1. Volume control
2. Device grouping/degrouping (when doors are open/closed?)
3. Ability to start predefined playlists or tunes on events
4. Display current track name on the Display
5. Provide events for changes in SONOS state

Most of above were implemented with UPnP tab that was in Base for quite a long time, but which I found recently never worked with SONOS due to different grouping of UPnP devices in descriptor, which is fixed now.

We want to make sure all of above use cases are possible, test with our SONOS devices and implement new UI for Configurator for device management.

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