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Update: System

Hard- und Softwarefragen rund Domiq-Module fürs LCN-System

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Registriert: Fr 7. Jun 2013, 09:59
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#1 Update: System

Beitragvon DOMIQ-Support » Mo 30. Jan 2023, 14:27

Today we published an update, that we have been working on for several months. We are proud that the result months of work is finally released to the public use. This update brings several fundamental changes that translate into a significant growth of system performance and increase of disk space available for users. We have also added new functionalities to extend the capabilities of our system.

These are the 5 major changes:
1. Switched to Lua 5.4 from Lua 5.1. The Lua programming language is the main language used to DOMIQ/Base’s operating system. This migration translates into:

1.1 Faster code execution - our tests showed 50-100% performance boost!
1.2 Decreased RAM usage.
1.3 Reducing the size of the operating system by approximately 25%.

2. New memory allocator - this significantly reduces RAM fragmentation.
3. Completely new web server - the Configurator now runs much faster.
4. Rebuilt handling of Remote for iOS - much better responsivness and blazing fast reloading of configuration.
5.Added GZIP compression for system configuration files. This change results in:

5.1. 3-4x faster loading of configuration in Remote on iOS (ver. 1.14 required) and in the Configurator.
5.2. 3-4x less required disk space to save configuration files (in case of a fairly typical system configuration). The bigger the configuration files, the bigger is the space savings.

Full list of changes available here: https://domiq.eu/news/update_system_3.0.0.03

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Registriert: Do 29. Dez 2011, 21:47
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#2 Re: Update: System

Beitragvon mr_claus » Mo 30. Jan 2023, 15:21

Thanks a lot, these are very fundamental changes. I will upgrade within the next couple of days and looking forward to the improvements.



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Registriert: Do 30. Mär 2017, 14:26
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#3 Re: Update: System

Beitragvon LCNNoob » Mo 30. Jan 2023, 17:17

Thank's for your efforts improving system performance.

Great job :--))
Alles ist erlernbar


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Registriert: Do 30. Mär 2017, 14:26
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#4 Re: Update: System

Beitragvon LCNNoob » Mi 1. Feb 2023, 20:47

Hello Piotr,

I have found something within the new version.

If you start the Web Interface and navigate to tabulator LOGIC (LUA Scripts) you will find everytime the following additional code at the end of the scripts:

HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout
Date:Wed, 01 Feb 2023 19:42:19 GMT
Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8

<!doctype html>
<title>408 Request Timeout</title>
<h1>408 Request Timeout</h1>

Is there any solution to avoid this additional code?

Thank you you
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#5 Re: Update: System

Beitragvon Beleuchtfix » Mi 1. Feb 2023, 20:58

I don't have this code in the scripts, but my shutter script does not run any more, shutters will not stop after the delay.

Regards Florian

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#6 Re: Update: System

Beitragvon DOMIQ-Support » Mi 8. Feb 2023, 13:58

LCNNoob hat geschrieben:Hello Piotr,

I have found something within the new version.

If you start the Web Interface and navigate to tabulator LOGIC (LUA Scripts) you will find everytime the following additional code at the end of the scripts:

HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout
Date:Wed, 01 Feb 2023 19:42:19 GMT
Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8

<!doctype html>
<title>408 Request Timeout</title>
<h1>408 Request Timeout</h1>

Is there any solution to avoid this additional code?

Thank you you

Could you send us your script for debugging? We haven't faced such issue in our test installations where we use scripts.


Beiträge: 103
Registriert: Do 30. Mär 2017, 14:26
Danksagung erhalten: 1 Mal

#7 Re: Update: System

Beitragvon LCNNoob » Mi 8. Feb 2023, 18:05

Hello Piotr,

even with this small piece of code the issue occurs:

-- ------------------------------------ --
-- Globale Variablen setzen --
-- ------------------------------------ --

-- ---------- --
-- Licht --
-- ---------- --
LichtBadSpiegel = use 'LCN.output.0.30.1'
LichtSchrank = use 'LCN.output.0.30.2'
LichtWCSpiegel = use 'LCN.output.0.40.1'
LichtFlur = use 'LCN.output.0.200.1'
LichtWC = use 'LCN.output.0.200.2'
LichtKochinsel = use 'LCN.output.0.201.1'
LichtWohnen = use 'LCN.output.0.202.1'
LichtCouch = use 'LCN.output.0.202.2'
LichtGaeste = use 'LCN.output.0.203.1'
LichtArbeit = use 'LCN.output.0.203.2'
LichtSchlafen = use 'LCN.output.0.204.1'
LichtAnkleide = use 'LCN.output.0.204.2'
LichtAussenGast = use 'LCN.output.0.205.1'
LichtAussenWohnen = use 'LCN.output.0.205.2'
LichtBad = use 'LCN.output.0.210.1'
LichtGarderobe = use 'LCN.output.0.210.2'

LichtHWR = use 'LCN.relay.0.203.1'
LichtLEDSockel = use 'LCN.relay.0.203.2'
LichtKuechenzeile = use 'LCN.relay.0.204.1'
LichtEsstisch = use 'LCN.relay.0.204.2'
LichtBaum = use 'LCN.relay.0.204.3'
LichtVitrine = use 'LCN.relay.0.204.4'
LichtStehlampe = use 'LCN.relay.0.204.5'
LichtAussenBad = use 'LCN.relay.0.204.7'

HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout
Date:Wed, 08 Feb 2023 17:03:20 GMT
Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8

<!doctype html>
<title>408 Request Timeout</title>
<h1>408 Request Timeout</h1>
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Registriert: Fr 7. Jun 2013, 09:59
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#8 Re: Update: System

Beitragvon DOMIQ-Support » Do 9. Feb 2023, 09:55

Please contact us via e-mail this will help to find the solution faster.

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#9 Re: Update: System

Beitragvon TK-T » So 12. Feb 2023, 18:34


Small hint: If no changes are applied via the configurator, please delete the browser cache.
You can see this when the newer files are saved as before without .gz when accessing the DOMIQ via FTP.

With the tabulator LOGIC you can simply delete the last 12 lines (from "HTTP/1.1 408 Req...." to eof) after loading, then at least a change in user.lua is possible here.


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Registriert: Fr 7. Jun 2013, 09:59
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#10 Re: Update: System

Beitragvon DOMIQ-Support » Mo 13. Feb 2023, 15:40

The issue has been resolved, it's not quite a bug in our software, but incompability with Chrome and Edge browsers which can't handle float numbers in HTTP headers ;)

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