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#1 setting threshold values

Verfasst: Mo 23. Mai 2011, 09:20
von twinkelm
Hi Filip, hi all,

short question on setting threshold values - is this possible with the V 1.6 of the Domiq software? The UPP module is a new one.

Following scenario:
Module 6 threshold 5 has currently a value of 1210 (set via LCN-Pro)
I am trying to change this to 1220, for example by sending LCN.threshold.0.6.5=1220 in the telnet interface.
But the value will not change, the module has still threshold value 1210.

Same applies for using the domiq remote temperature control, control type Thresholds. The changed value will not "stick" in the module.

Does anybody has any insight into this?
Where could by my error?

Many thanks,
best regards,


#2 RE: setting threshold values

Verfasst: Do 26. Mai 2011, 23:33
Just a short update - handling of thresholds is fixed and will be released in a next version within a week.
Thanks for pointing out this problem. :)