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#1 Shutter buttons

Verfasst: Mi 26. Okt 2011, 20:54
von Franky
Hi Filip,

do you have on your Website downloadable shutter buttons or other sweet things for the visualization-screen (ressources), according your Shutter-Control-Tutorial? :w00t:

Thanks in advance...

#2 RE: Shutter buttons

Verfasst: Sa 29. Okt 2011, 14:34
Oops. Will be posted on monday, sorry. :-)

#3 RE: Shutter buttons

Verfasst: Di 8. Nov 2011, 21:34
von Franky
Hello Filip,

how can I upload themes into the base? :w00t:

#4 RE: Shutter buttons

Verfasst: Sa 12. Nov 2011, 12:25
von Franky
Hi Filip,

can you advice a software to create themes? (There are many different softwares available and I dont know, if they all are compatible with the base.)

#5 RE: Shutter buttons

Verfasst: Sa 12. Nov 2011, 13:51
You can use any software, what is needed are PNG files. Recommended approach is to work with vector drawing applications, and finally make properly scaled and antialiased bitmaps.

We use following:

  • Adobe Fireworks is the best choice and not very expensive. We design custom visualization backgrounds and all themes and icons with it.
  • Inkscape is not as powerful, but is free.

#6 RE: Shutter buttons

Verfasst: So 13. Nov 2011, 20:40
von Franky
...and wich software you use to convert PNG to THEME? :confused:

Please enlighten me on.

... do you know, when the shutter buttons are available on your website?:w00t:

#7 RE: Shutter buttons

Verfasst: Mo 14. Nov 2011, 11:08
Theme files are uncompressed zip files. I added shutter themes to the tutorial a second ago, sorry for the delay... :blush:

How to make a theme?

For a binary theme called sensor.theme, you need to create two files with the same dimensions:

Code: Alles auswählen


and zip those into sensor.theme (disable compression!).
Make sure you don't put a directory inside zip file!

How it works?

For any channel value, it chooses image with matching range. If current value is larger than largest end, the last item is used instead.

For lights etc we typically create 5 images, for example inside light.theme you will found:

Code: Alles auswählen


We kind of forgot to put that into documentation, it will be fixed soon.

#8 RE: Shutter buttons

Verfasst: Mo 14. Nov 2011, 21:34
von Franky
Perfect. :lol:

#9 RE: Shutter buttons

Verfasst: Mo 14. Nov 2011, 22:10
von norden
Pfiffiger Ansatz,

dadurch sind ja tolle Möglichkeiten offen! Nur malen (zeichnen) müsste man(n) können.

Ich bin gespannt, wann wir an die Speichergrenzen des BASE kommen:w00t:


#10 RE: Shutter buttons

Verfasst: Mo 14. Nov 2011, 22:30
von Franky
Die Shutter-Button-Themes von der Domiq - Website sind so je 3-5 kb groß und man braucht für normale Rolläden 2 St. - also einmalig für alle Rolläden. Also ich hab noch 366 kb frei. Mal sehen. :confused: