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#1 Zyklischer Timer

Verfasst: Mi 11. Jan 2012, 22:24
von Franky
Hi Filip,

Is it possible to set a timer cyclically? The aim is to trigger an action every 10 minutes.

#2 RE: Zyklischer Timer

Verfasst: Do 12. Jan 2012, 16:25
Hello Franky, two options :-)

1. Create normal timer and put into minutes field: 0,10,20,30,40,50
2. In event handler, let's say "EVENT" and call DELAY.10m.EVENT

First solution would be more reliable, but always aligned with real time. Second is more "random", but if for whatever reasons single execution will fail it will stop working. Well, there is 3rd solution, do it in Logic with "ontick" handler on any use'd device, but it seems it's too much typing.