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#1 Roadmap Domiq

Verfasst: So 5. Feb 2012, 10:11
von mr_claus

is für die Zukunft eine Ablösung von Flash angedacht, z.B. durch schickes Ajax? Ich finde Flash nicht mehr ganz optimal und zeitgemäß, es gibt da eigentliche sinnvollere Standards die Browser auch ohne Addons supporten.

Viele Grüße

#2 RE: Roadmap Domiq

Verfasst: So 5. Feb 2012, 10:58
Hello, there are no plans to change this. Flash/Flex works perfectly for what we need and it's pleasure to program in.

What might happen at some time is that new configuration app will appear, that will use Air and be standalone to allow offline configuration and management of large, distributed networks of Bases.

#3 RE: Roadmap Domiq

Verfasst: Mo 6. Feb 2012, 09:36
von mr_claus

problem is a missing app for Android devices, menas smartphones and pads. From a regular desktop flash is not bad but from the small devices it's slow and an app would be much better. But i just found an app for ipads and iphones.

#4 RE: Roadmap Domiq

Verfasst: Mo 6. Feb 2012, 11:05
Then why don't you ask about creation of Android app - which actually is in the plans and being worked on :-)

#5 RE: Roadmap Domiq

Verfasst: Mo 6. Feb 2012, 11:11
von mr_claus
Good question :)
Will the app work on pads too? Means using the whole screen size to visualize the building?

#6 RE: Roadmap Domiq

Verfasst: Mo 6. Feb 2012, 18:35
Yes, we want to have Android Remote that will do everything iOS Remote does.

I believe that in order to provide good usability native apps are the only solution. It's just expensive and time consuming to create them, that's why we concentrated on iOS first.

#7 RE: Roadmap Domiq

Verfasst: Mi 8. Feb 2012, 13:33
von mr_claus
It's good to hear you would like to support Android devices. Is there any way to connect to LCN accross the Domiq Base and control LCN? Means switch on/off lights with a Linux shell script i.e.

#8 RE: Roadmap Domiq

Verfasst: Mi 8. Feb 2012, 15:22
Of course, you can use port 4224.

For example, to toggle lights from Linux:

Code: Alles auswählen

echo LCN.output.0.20.1=toggle | nc yourbaseip 4224

All details are included here:

#9 RE: Roadmap Domiq

Verfasst: Mi 8. Feb 2012, 16:23
von mr_claus
such as simple :)
sounds nice ...

#10 RE: Roadmap Domiq

Verfasst: Do 10. Mai 2012, 11:56
von mr_claus
[zitat]Yes, we want to have Android Remote that will do everything iOS Remote does.[/zitat]

Is there any timeline when an Android app will be available?