Filip erwähnte einmal Makros. Wie bindet man denn Makros ins Base ein, ist das unter Logic oder als Event oder ...?
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Makros in Base / Lua
Themenersteller - Administrator
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#2 RE: Makros in Base / Lua
Basically any function in Logic can be called from Event, or Display. For example:
Then in Event you can add such channel:
or you can add Switch to the Display and put following into command field:
Example is not that good, as it would make more sense to do above with Events, but you can make more functions, more complicated functions etc
You can also pass parameters (possibly "extracted" with patters in Events). We will soon publish "Base to Base linking" tutorial, that will have extensive examples of more advanced Events usage.
Code: Alles auswählen
function alloff()
Then in Event you can add such channel:
Code: Alles auswählen
or you can add Switch to the Display and put following into command field:
Code: Alles auswählen
Example is not that good, as it would make more sense to do above with Events, but you can make more functions, more complicated functions etc
You can also pass parameters (possibly "extracted" with patters in Events). We will soon publish "Base to Base linking" tutorial, that will have extensive examples of more advanced Events usage.
#3 RE: Makros in Base / Lua
wie lautet der syntax wenn ich mit rampe schalten will? also so:
nur mit dem command befehl direkt aus dem lua logik script
command("C.LCN.output.0.20.2",80) <-Rampe???
wie lautet der syntax wenn ich mit rampe schalten will? also so:
nur mit dem command befehl direkt aus dem lua logik script
command("C.LCN.output.0.20.2",80) <-Rampe???
Themenersteller - Administrator
- Beiträge: 5294
- Registriert: Mi 10. Jan 2007, 18:49
- Hat sich bedankt: 4 Mal
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