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#1 Send e-mail from the Base

Verfasst: Do 8. Mai 2014, 12:23
Many times people asked for ability to send e-mail from the Base. It's not that easy to implement with all the spam protection currently in place, a lot of SMTP servers do not accept SMTP connections without username/password and TLS encryption.

We solved this problem by adding new server command:

Code: Alles auswählen Line of the Email;This is the body of the email

Please consider this function beta and let us know how useful you find it. The source address is and there is extra header in the body with Base node ID as well.

Use of this function does not require any updates, it's server side upgrade (apparently, you do need to select "Connect over internet").

Best regards,

#2 RE: Send e-mail from the Base

Verfasst: Do 8. Mai 2014, 21:27
von norden
Hi, i tried it and it works fine :thumbup:


#3 RE: Send e-mail from the Base

Verfasst: Do 8. Mai 2014, 22:14
von Thomas
Ok Dieter,

bei dir ja, bei mir nicht(auf Taster im Display..) Meldung Test;Testmail vom BASE
x = Platzhalter.... (Adresse stimmt schon..)

lg Thomas

#4 RE: Send e-mail from the Base

Verfasst: Do 8. Mai 2014, 22:57
von norden
Hallo Thomas,

hier in einem Timer:



#5 RE: Send e-mail from the Base

Verfasst: Fr 9. Mai 2014, 08:46
von Thomas
Hallo Dieter,

im EVENT geht es ja,
ich lege mir sollche Dinge gerne mal auf einen Button im Display-Modus, um das mal schnell zu zeigen(probieren).

lg thomas

#6 RE: Send e-mail from the Base

Verfasst: Fr 9. Mai 2014, 09:54
It won't work directly from Display button, as any command send from Display is prefixed with C.

#7 RE: Send e-mail from the Base

Verfasst: Fr 9. Mai 2014, 12:49
von Beleuchtfix
Ich benutze ein Taster mit dem Befehl:
und dann der entsprechenden Funktion in LOGIC.
Filip, Piotr, it works nicely :thumbup:
Regards Florian

#8 RE: Send e-mail from the Base

Verfasst: Fr 4. Jul 2014, 00:58
von mr_claus
Is there any way to configure a smarthost or does the Domiq try to resolve the mx record of the destination address and send it directly?

#9 RE: Send e-mail from the Base

Verfasst: Fr 4. Jul 2014, 10:01
Hello, emails are sent from our server using standard SMTP approach with MX domain resolution.
You don't have to configure anything in order to use this functionality.

We decided to go with such approach as it turned out that nowadays sending email without TLS encryption is next to impossible due to spam protection.