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#1 New version of the AirDisplay
Verfasst: Di 10. Feb 2015, 11:19
New version of the AirDisplay application is now available. We also published small demonstration video, that should soon also be available in English. is available here: You need to install Adobe Air runtime first.
#2 RE: New version of the AirDisplay
Verfasst: Di 10. Feb 2015, 23:18
von Beleuchtfix
When can we finally disable a single coupled Remote device.
I have to unlock all. There is no way to uncouple IPhone remote, no entry in IPhone Config Tab nor any config function in remote. So I have to uninstall Remote and reinstall it.
I know you can do better, Piotr. Sorry, just a little angry right now, since the problem is as old as the first air display became alive.
Regards Florian
bye the way. air itself look good.
#3 RE: New version of the AirDisplay
Verfasst: Mi 11. Feb 2015, 08:13
von DOMIQ-Support
Right now there is no way to delete single pairing. We are still working on our new protocol, where it will be possible.
"There is no way to uncouple IPhone remote, no entry in IPhone Config Tab nor any config function in remote." - that's not truth:) You can delete pairing in the Remote app. You need to move your finger across Base's name and then the delete button will appear (it's normal gesture in iOS).
#4 RE: New version of the AirDisplay
Verfasst: Mi 11. Feb 2015, 16:38
von Beleuchtfix
Thanks, I found it, that makes me less angry
I probably don't erase enough with my IPhone, old versions were different.
Regards Florian
#5 RE: New version of the AirDisplay
Verfasst: Mi 11. Feb 2015, 17:12
von Thomas
Hi Florian,
ich habe früher immer die "access.xml" per FTP mit PSpad bearbeitet, und dort die nicht gebrauchten "Remote device" rausgeworfen.
Danach einen Restart, und eine Lizenz war wieder frei.
lg Thomas
#6 RE: New version of the AirDisplay
Verfasst: Mi 11. Feb 2015, 17:20
von Beleuchtfix
Hi Thomas,
danke, getestet hatte ich das auch, aber wahrscheinlich ohne Restart.
#7 RE: New version of the AirDisplay
Verfasst: Mi 11. Feb 2015, 23:14
von Wowbagger
Oh, das hilft! Was habe ich mich schon geärgert, dass man jedesmal alle Lizenzen neu pairen muss! Danke für den Tipp!