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Serial-4DX - DMX512 interface

Hard- und Softwarefragen rund Domiq-Module fürs LCN-System

Fleißiges Mitglied
Fleißiges Mitglied
Beiträge: 252
Registriert: Sa 25. Apr 2009, 11:16

#1 Serial-4DX - DMX512 interface

Beitragvon DOMIQ » Mo 25. Jul 2011, 18:56

Just a quick update about new module that will be in sale soon. It's new firmware for Serial-4 module, which makes it DMX-512 controller. With this module it is possible to control up to 170(!) RGB LED dimmers.
Such RGB LED dimmers are available for less than 20EUR from third party suppliers. :)


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#2 RE: Serial-4DX - DMX512 interface

Beitragvon Beleuchtfix » Sa 31. Dez 2011, 12:59

I just read a little through your website, you claim that each dimmer can be set to an individual dimming ramp. Are these put into the base or are these functions of the dimmer. In other words, can I make smooth cross-fades with several channels at the same time.
Can you change the fade time easily or is it more a fixed value.

Thanks and regards Florian

Fleißiges Mitglied
Fleißiges Mitglied
Beiträge: 252
Registriert: Sa 25. Apr 2009, 11:16

#3 RE: Serial-4DX - DMX512 interface

Beitragvon DOMIQ » So 1. Jan 2012, 16:54

Hello, ramps are handled by the S4DX module, all channels can have a ramp running at the same time without any slowdowns - code that handles ramps runs on each DMX frame anyway, just doing ramp change of 0. :-)

Target value has 100 levels, but ramps are done with 8 bit resolution. Ramp times are changeable. Internally ramp time is represented as increase/decrease by one on every n-th DMX frame, or change by n every frame. It is also possible to send "raw" commands to S4DX module, to have fine control over ramps and their synchronization.


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Registriert: Mi 10. Jan 2007, 18:49
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#4 RE: Serial-4DX - DMX512 interface

Beitragvon Beleuchtfix » So 1. Jan 2012, 17:06

Thanks Filip, you made my day :) I think, I can propose with ease the Domiq base + 4DX module for our church project.

Regards Florian


Beiträge: 5294
Registriert: Mi 10. Jan 2007, 18:49
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#5 RE: Serial-4DX - DMX512 interface

Beitragvon Beleuchtfix » Mo 6. Feb 2012, 19:10

Hi, I received the 4DX module the other day, but I can't get it to run. I put DMX tester on the output, and it is only glowing, but not shining bright like on my DMX lightboard. The Voltage from the lightboard is 2.5V while the 4DX is putting out only 1.3V. The RX LED is very active, the act LED is also blinking, but not as bright, and the TX LED transmits, when I change the output signal.

Could this be a hardware fault, a missing pin connector or something else? I use the RGB Light module from the Remote setup with DMX.1 to DMX.3 fro the channels.

Regards Florian

Fleißiges Mitglied
Fleißiges Mitglied
Beiträge: 252
Registriert: Sa 25. Apr 2009, 11:16

#6 RE: Serial-4DX - DMX512 interface

Beitragvon DOMIQ » Mo 6. Feb 2012, 20:56

You can try to swap A/B wires, also make sure if termination jumper is in place. What do you mean by glowing?
For testing we use Saleae LOGIC as "field" devices - they can decode I2C, UART, SPI, CAN and DMX, all for less than 99 EUR.


Beiträge: 5294
Registriert: Mi 10. Jan 2007, 18:49
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#7 RE: Serial-4DX - DMX512 interface

Beitragvon Beleuchtfix » Mo 6. Feb 2012, 21:56

I tried swapping the AB wires before, it did not change anything.
Glowing: just a very dimmed light, both leds of the test-plug light up, but very lightly. On my dmx lightboard they light up bright.
Terminiation seems to be "on" in the 4DX, there is a small jumper on the term pins. There is not jumper on the pins on the other side.
I have checked out 4 different dmx devices, neither will work or show anything with the 4dx, the control leds don't light up either.

As I said before, I measure about 2.5 V with my own lightboard but only 1.3 from the 4dx (which would also explain, why the test plug is only "glowing".

Could you measure the voltage on a working 4dx?
Regards Florian

Fleißiges Mitglied
Fleißiges Mitglied
Beiträge: 252
Registriert: Sa 25. Apr 2009, 11:16

#8 RE: Serial-4DX - DMX512 interface

Beitragvon DOMIQ » Mi 8. Feb 2012, 10:46

Hi, when I measure GND-B voltage on all channels dimmed I see 2.2V peak voltage. This will heavily depend on the method of measurement, as duty cycle will be around 10%. I'm attaching waveform from our oscilloscope. Yellow and blue traces are two data lines, red is the voltage differential.
413321SCR01.PNG (11.62 KiB) 1951 mal betrachtet

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