Hi Filip,
is it possible in the display mode, to set in one screen an exclusive layer?
For example:
In every room in the ground floor is a switch that creat a layer in one area on the screen.
When I press the switch at the guest room than is the layer of the guest room visible. If I then press the switch for the hallway, is the layer of the hallway over the layer of the guest room. Is it possible, to close the layer of the guest room with the opening of the layer of the hallway with the switch of the hallway?
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Exclusive Layer in the display mode
#1 Exclusive Layer in the display mode
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#2 RE: Exclusive Layer in the display mode
Hello, currently it is not possible. I thought about adding something like "local variables" for each Display, that could be modified with commands. Then, if we enabled display of screens/layers based on channel value (local or from Base) it would be possible.
#3 RE: Exclusive Layer in the display mode
I have seen that a double click on the switch sets the clicked layer over the actual visible layer.
The problem is then only that at some point many layers are open.
The problem is then only that at some point many layers are open.
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