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Fragen zu den original Modulen von Issendorff

Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Di 10. Dez 2013, 11:35

#1 B3IN

Beitragvon bhtedu » Di 10. Dez 2013, 11:46

Hello, I have a question.

Can connect multiple b3IN in series, using the "I" port?

I have installed 2 or 3 sensors in each B3IN and have problems:

1: Two outdoor pir sensors (12mA)
No work both at once. separated works.
2: 1 water sensor, 1 gas sensor.
No work both at once. separated works.

I tried to connect a B3IN to another through the "I" port, and one sensor in each b3in. But neither works...


Beiträge: 2446
Registriert: Di 13. Apr 2010, 16:17
Danksagung erhalten: 6 Mal

#2 RE: B3IN

Beitragvon LuckyLPA » Di 10. Dez 2013, 19:25

Hello and welcome...

[zitat]1: Two outdoor pir sensors (12mA)[/zitat]
12+12=24mA - maximum on B3IN is 25mA ... is almost too much. Try an external power suply. But remember the input contact must be potential free.
[zitat]Can connect multiple b3IN in series, using the "I" port?[/zitat]
u can only use one B3IN on one LCN-Module.

greetings Carsten
Wenn du Hufgetrappel hörst, denk an Pferde und nicht an Zebras.


Beiträge: 14250
Registriert: So 26. Mai 2002, 23:10
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#3 RE: B3IN

Beitragvon Uwe » Mi 11. Dez 2013, 00:28

Hi and welcome :D

See also jumper settings in B3IN Instructions (maybe not easy if you got the paper in german)

[zitat]Jumper setting active low (jumper on the left):
When an input against the GND terminal is bridged, the connected module sends the MAKE command.
On opening, comes the BRAKE command.

Jumper setting active high (jumper right):
When the voltage is bridged to an input for the supply voltage, the BRAKE command is sent.
In an open contact input the MAKE command is executed[/zitat]

It must be the same for all contacts, mixed connections are not possible.

Good luck, Uwe

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