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DOMIQ/Remote for Android

Hard- und Softwarefragen rund Domiq-Module fürs LCN-System

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#11 RE: DOMIQ/Remote for Android

Beitragvon DOMIQ-Support » Mo 24. Aug 2015, 08:12

@Koboldo, probably you don't have any elements configured in the Remote tab in your Base module.

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#12 RE: DOMIQ/Remote for Android

Beitragvon koboldo » Mo 24. Aug 2015, 08:26

Sorry for the late reply ....
In the morning i opened the app again and it works....i didn´t do anything:scared:


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#13 RE: DOMIQ/Remote for Android

Beitragvon Uwe » Mo 9. Nov 2015, 10:57

Moin Moin,
ich muss auch mal nachfragen ...
Nachdem ich lange Zeit problemlos eine Beta-Version auf meinem Androiden genutzt habe, ist mir irgendwann das Update auf die V1.0.2 rein gerutscht.
Diese Version läuft bei mir nicht mehr, sie stürzt kurz nach dem Start ab.

Was mache ich (oder mein Handy) falsch?

Keine Eile - ich brauche das derzeit 'nur mal' zum testen auf einer Baustelle. Dafür habe ich einfach mein altes iPhone (ohne Simkarte) noch mal reaktiviert. Das geht klaglos.

Viele Grüße

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#14 RE: DOMIQ/Remote for Android

Beitragvon DOMIQ-Support » Mo 9. Nov 2015, 12:32

Hi Uwe, please try to pair your phone again. In order to do that, please delete pairing in Base and then clear cache for the Remote application in the Android system. Here is the procedure of clearing application cache: https://help.yahoo.com/kb/SLN7104.html


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#15 RE: DOMIQ/Remote for Android

Beitragvon Uwe » Mo 9. Nov 2015, 14:14

Hi Piotr,
'clear data' will make the application run ... thanks (error 40)

But now it is not possible to pair my phone again. I try it with my PKO ...
After a short try the App means Base was offline/disconnected.
The Messages in Discover shows this (again and again):
[zitat]13:54:33 INF SRV.SDP Got UPNP M-SEARCH request from: 192.168.xx.21:1901
13:54:33 INF REMOTE Starting server handler
13:54:33 ERR SRV.DEA Invalid encryption key
13:54:33 ERR SRV.DEA Invalid encryption key
13:54:33 ERR SRV.DEA Invalid encryption key
13:54:33 ERR SRV.DEA Invalid encryption key
13:54:33 INF SRV.SDP Got UPNP M-SEARCH request from: 192.168.xx.10:49079
13:54:33 ERR SRV.DEA Invalid encryption key
13:54:33 ERR SRV.DEA Invalid encryption key
13:54:34 ERR SRV.DEA Invalid encryption key
13:54:34 ERR SRV.DEA Invalid encryption key
13:54:34 INF REMOTE Connected to server, version DOMIQ/Server Base 2.1.0
13:54:34 ERR SRV.DEA Invalid encryption key
13:54:34 ERR SRV.DEA Invalid encryption key
13:54:34 ERR SRV.DEA Invalid encryption key
13:54:34 INF SRV.SDP Got UPNP M-SEARCH request from: 192.168.xx.21:1901
13:54:34 ERR SRV.DEA Invalid encryption key
13:54:34 ERR SRV.DEA Invalid encryption key
The .21 is my phone, .10 is a WLAN-AP (no DHCP-Server)

Do you have any ideas?

Best regards, Uwe

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#16 RE: DOMIQ/Remote for Android

Beitragvon DOMIQ-Support » Mo 9. Nov 2015, 14:18

You need to do both: clear data in the application and delete pairings in Base (Settings > Remote authorisations). After that, restart the application - it should show the "unpaired" status. Then it will ask for new pairing code. Please send logs from your phone to mjonik@domiq.pl


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#17 RE: DOMIQ/Remote for Android

Beitragvon Uwe » Mo 9. Nov 2015, 14:38

I've done it in this way, of course.
There ist no ask for pairing code in the phone, Base only changes from online to disconnectet.

I've send you the logs. I hope you can see something.

LG, Uwe

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#18 RE: DOMIQ/Remote for Android

Beitragvon DOMIQ-Support » Mo 9. Nov 2015, 14:46

Uwe did you click on the "Clear cache" or "Clear data"? You need to clear whole Remote application data and this could be done by clicking on the "Clear data" button.

And one more thing Uwe - please gather logs from Base when you try to pair Remote.


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#19 RE: DOMIQ/Remote for Android

Beitragvon Uwe » Mo 9. Nov 2015, 15:21

Clear data - and all remote in the Base deletet.

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#20 RE: DOMIQ/Remote for Android

Beitragvon DOMIQ-Support » Mo 9. Nov 2015, 15:39

1. Uwe, can you send me logs from Base when you try to pair Remote?
2. Do you have the newest software in Base?

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