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App crashing if clicking on Kamera on Remote

Hard- und Softwarefragen rund Domiq-Module fürs LCN-System

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Registriert: Sa 27. Feb 2016, 15:03
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#1 App crashing if clicking on Kamera on Remote

Beitragvon Andre-sv650 » Sa 8. Sep 2018, 22:26

Hello Domiq users,

the domiq app is crashing, if I set a new Kamera element on the Remote tab. Also on the android phone of my wife it crashes.
I have only added the kamera element, i have not inserted any URL or other entries.

I use the android app and I want to register a Lupusnet LE201 Camera.

Is there any body that is able to use the kamera element?

The kamera is running fine in the Display Tab.



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#2 Re: App crashing if clicking on Kamera on Remote

Beitragvon DOMIQ-Support » Di 18. Sep 2018, 12:22

Hello. I can confirm, that's it's a bug in the Remote, that has already been fixed. This fix will be available in the next update of the Remote for Android. This issue is regarding wrong URL (in your case, you haven't entered URL at all, which causes the problem).
Sorry for any inconvenience.

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#3 Re: App crashing if clicking on Kamera on Remote

Beitragvon Andre-sv650 » Di 18. Sep 2018, 13:11


no Problem, Its running on the display tab and that is good enough.

Thanks for the reply


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Registriert: Fr 7. Jun 2013, 09:59
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#4 Re: App crashing if clicking on Kamera on Remote

Beitragvon DOMIQ-Support » Di 28. Mai 2019, 12:29

This issue is fixed in Remove 1.2.1.
@admin - I think this theme can be closed now:)

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